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[스크랩] Leonard Cohen / Because Of

by 동아스포츠 / 相 和 2018. 1. 26.

Leonard Cohen -Because Of

Because of a few songs
Wherein I spoke of their mystery,
Women have been
Exceptionally kind
to my old age.
They make a secret place
In their busy lives
And they take me there.
They become naked
In their different ways
and they say,
Look at me, Leonard
Look at me one last time.
Then they bend over the bed
And cover me up
Like a baby that is shivering.
Like a baby
Because of a few songs
Wherein I spoke of their mystery,
Women have been
Exceptionally kind
to my old age.
They make a secret place
In their busy lives
And they take me there.

They become naked
In their different ways
and they say,

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