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[스크랩] Que Je T`aime, Johnny Hallyday (How I love you)

by 동아스포츠 / 相 和 2018. 6. 4.

English translation

How I love you

When your hair spreads

Like a summer sun

And when your pillow

Looks like wheatfields

When shadow and light

Draw on your body

Mountains and forests

And treasure islands


How I love you , how I love you , how I love you ,

How I love you , how I love you , how I love you !


When your mouth gets sweet

When your body gets hard

When the sky of your eyes

All of a sudden is no longer pure

When your hands would like it

When your fingers don't dare it

When your decency says no

With a very little voice


How I love you , how I love you , how I love you ,

How I love you , how I love you , how I love you !


When you no longer feel like a pus*y

And when you become a b*tch

And when as the wolf calls

You finally break your chains

When your last gasp

Ends in a scream

When I say no

When you say yes


When my body over your body

Heavy like a dead horse

Doesn't know , no longer knows

If it still exists

Once we made love

Like others make war

When I am the soldier

Who dies and loses it


When I'm the one who dies and loses it

When I'm the one who dies and loses it

출처 : 좋은글과 좋은음악이 있는곳
글쓴이 : Yogi Bear 원글보기
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