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[스크랩] 외국 작가 사진 작품 선(選) 84

by 동아스포츠 / 相 和 2018. 9. 12.

외국 작가 사진 작품 선(選) 84

(1) 3 windows in Myanmar / Alec Ee

(2) Back to the past / Oleh Slobodeniuk

(3) Because I am happy /Anne Geier

(4) Belmont sur Rance / Eric Teissedre

(5) Hey! I had delicious dish / FuYi Chen

(6) Honeybee / Kurt Hinterreither

(7) Landing strip / Eduardo Teixeira de Sousa

(8) Listen To Me You Moron ! / Harry Eggens

(9) My Son & Dog / Kenan Mutlu

(10) Norway sheps valley / Andrey Bazanov

(11) Pentax Views / Ralf Thomas

(12) Quiet majesty / Jim Smith

(13) Sunset at Manhattan Beach Pier, CA / Dale Johnson

(14) The cheerful boy plays the water in the river at Thailand / SIRISAK BOAKAEW

(15) Tindholmur / Adelbert Ellingsgaard

(16) Turning to Gold / Danilo Faria

(17) Twilight in Campdevanol / Maurizio Frigerio

(18) Water war / Rarindra Prakarsa

(19) Winter Story / Murat CAN

(20) Zermatt village / Daniel Metz

Rachmaninov (1873~1943) / Symphonic Dances, for 2 Pianos Op. 45
출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
글쓴이 : 화평 원글보기
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