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[스크랩] Dr. Project Point Blank - A Song For V

by 동아스포츠 / 相 和 2018. 9. 11.

관련 이미지

            Dr. Project Point Blank - A Song For V I'll be the one, to take u home To ease your mind and bleed for you When your down and out and sail the stormy seas I'll be the one, I'll be your man I'll be the one, U can leave behind And never look back to see if I cry I'll be there for you when all other men leave I'll be the one, I'll be your man I'll be your Christ, and take all of your pain All of your fears pay all of your debts Hang from the cross and pray for you I'll be the one, I'll be your man I'll be your eyes, when the sun goes down When moonlight fades and night comes home My heart will burn to light your way I'll be there, I'll be your man I'll be the one, to take you across Burning flames and field of stones I'll be your bridge from cradle to hearse Your personal saint, I'll be your man. 2017. 3. 14.일자로 업데이트 된곡이지만 이 노래는 2003년 이전에 발표된 폴란드 브르스 밴드.의 곡입니다. 리드보컬의 병사로 해체된 밴드인데 노래만 남았습니다.대부분 폴란드어 로 노래하는데 영어로 부른 노래가 몇곡있네요.그중에 골라 봅니다.

            Dr. Project Point Blank ~ A Song For V에 대한 이미지 검색결과

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